THE FINAL DOCUMENT The VI International Congress "Industrial Ecology of the Regions"
The VI International Congress
"Industrial Ecology of the Regions"
of the International Expert Platform URALROSPROMECO - IEP URAL,
held on the "sidelines" of the BRICS Summit/Kazan-2024
October 21, 2024, Kazan city,
The format of the event is online-offline
The organisers:
- President of BRICS International Forum Purnima Anand (India)
- President of ANO URALROSPROMECO – IEP URAL Yulia Korneeva (Russia)
General media partner - ITAR TASS (Russia)
- Zheleziansky Mine, LLC (Russia, Yekaterinburg)
- Innovative Technopark IDEA. JSC (Russia, Kazan)
The main theme of the Congress: “Vision of the future - co-operation of BRICS member countries”
Coverage of potential media audience – more than 36,000,000
Total number of publications – 75
Number of sources involved – 37
Coverage of specialized audience of social networks of ANO URALROSPROMECO – more than 600,000.
Geography of the Congress: Russian Federation – regions, CIS countries, near and far abroad countres.
1.Press conference "Vision of the future - cooperation of the BRICS member countries"
Yulia Korneeva, Member of the Expert Council of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Nature Management, President of ANO URALROSPROMECO (Russia)
Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and Co-operation between the BRICS International Forum and ANO URALROSPROMEKO
Purnima Anand, President of BRICS International Forum (India) - on the importance of the union of BRICS member countries and the need to expand the agenda of discussion of issues for the active formation of a multipolar world model.
Andrey Sokolov, Deputy General Director of the ITAR TASS (Russia) – the need to generate information about BRICS events through reliable official sources for full mutual understanding of the member countries
Yulia Korneeva, Member of the Expert Council of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Nature Management, President of ANO URALROSPROMECO (Russia) - an expert approach as a basis for decision-making. The exchange of scientific, professional and innovative experience is the key to the success of the implementation of the planned tasks of BRICS
2. Foresight session “BRICS International Forum as a platform for discussing food security issues of the member countries”
Yulia Korneeva, Member of the Expert Council of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Nature Management, President of ANO URALROSPROMECO (Russia)
Main issues for discussion:
- Actual tasks of Food Security - as a vector of strategic nature and national security of BRICS member countries.
- Food security today is not only about solving the issue of hunger, but also about the issues of quality, healthy nutrition, which determines the health, working capacity, quality of life of us and our descendants.
- BRICS International Forum as a platform for discussing issues and strategies of food security of the member countries.
- The BRICS mission to ensure food security is to create a system of quality food production in the necessary quantity for every inhabitant of the planet Earth and to introduce the principles of cyclical economy in food production.
Opening Speech:
Yulia Korneeva, Member of the Expert Council of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Nature Management, President of ANO URALROSPROMECO (Russia)
Welcoming words:
Marat Zyabbarov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia)
Purnima Anand, President of BRICS International Forum (India)
Andrey Sokolov, Deputy General Director of the ITAR TASS (Russia)
Basic report:
Juriy Shirokov, Professor, Department of Technosphere Safety, K.A.Timiryazev Russian State Agrarian University-MSHA (Russia, online),
co-speaker Maxim Abramov, Deputy Director General of the Scientific Production Centre ECOBIOSPHERE (Russia, online)
Theme of the report: “Overview of food security problems in BRICS member countries”
Key Speakers:
1. Marat Zyabbarov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia)
Theme of the report: “The main directions of agricultural development for the purposes of ensuring food security in the region and the Russian Federation as a whole"
2. Purnima Anand, President of BRICS International Forum (India)
Theme of the report: “Green Economy and Global Food Security”
3. Ernesto Perez, Minister of Agriculture, Province of La-Rioja, Argenita (Argentina, absentee participation)
Theme of the report: “Argentina’s food security - a brief overview"
4. Dias Safin, Director General of CJSC ‘Innovation Technopark “Idea” (Russia)
Theme of the report: “Technopark as an instrument for solving food security issues”
5. Inina Volynets, Commissioner for Children's Rights in Republic Tatarstan, member of the commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation in the direction of "Family" (Russia)
Theme of the report: “Child nutrition safety issues”
6. Alexey Emelianov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Far Eastern Federal University, Executive Director of the Union of Organic Fertiliser and Bionutrient Producers. (Russia, online)
Theme of the report: “The problem of soil productivity conservation as a factor of sustainable achievement of food security”
3. Round table “The future of BRICS - in the hands of the children of the member countries”
Yulia Korneeva, Member of the Expert Council of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Nature Management, President of ANO URALROSPROMECO (Russia)
Main issues for discussion:
-review of the observance of children's rights in BRICS countries and in the Russian Federation;
-the obligation of parents or legal representatives to maintain and bring up children properly;
-food and nutritional security in the context of children's rights impact on the quality of life and life in general;
-child nutrition - quality and quantity issues;
-children's education - not only their right to literacy, but our bright future;
-children's language education - expanded opportunities in the BRICS multipolar world;
-mass media and children - how to convey reliable information to the younger generation;
-risks in the interaction of children and teenagers with media space and ways of solving these problems;
-In the Year of the Family in Russia, we analyse the historical experience of bringing up children based on traditional values.
Key speakers:
1. Purnima Anand, President of BRICS International Forum (India)
Theme of the report: “The importance of respecting children's rights”
2. Ricardo Clemente Quintela, Governor of La Rioja Province, President of the Justice Party branch, prominent political and public figure of Argentina (Argentina, absentee participation)
Theme of the report: “Issues of children's rights and perspectives for their protection”
3. Vladislav Zhukov, Expert of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, an international expert of MEP URALROSPROMECO, a public figure, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, an adviser to the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (REAN), a specialist at the Institute of Ecology (Russia, online)
Theme of the report: “Review of the observance of children's rights in BRICS countries and the Russian Federation”
4. Inina Volynets, Commissioner for Children's Rights in Republic Tatarstan, member of the commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation in the direction of "Family" (Russia)
Theme of the report: “Protection of children's rights to health and food security: BRICS, Russia, Tatarstan”
5. Andrey Sokolov, Deputy General Director of the ITAR TASS (Russia)
Theme of the report: “Media and children - how to convey reliable information to the younger generation”
6. Alexey Sviridov, public figure, teacher, director, screenwriter, expert in the field of formation of spiritual and moral values among children, adolescents and youth (Russia)
Theme of the report: “Risks in the interaction of children and teenagers with media space, and ways to solve these problems”
7. Dana Bayakovskaya, author of innovative games and books for learning English, Director of the Foundation for Support of Family, Motherhood and Childhood, ‘Mums for Mums’, member of the Committee on International Relations - Parents' Chamber Union
Theme of the report: “Language education of a child – expanding opportunities in the format of a multipolar BRICS world”
8. Stanislav Zuzin, Head of IEP Ural Youth Platform “Build The Future With Us” Representative of ANO URALROSPROMECO, IEP Ural for the North-West Federal District (Russia, online)
Theme of the report: “Formation of world view and psychological maturity of children and teenagers on the basis of traditional values, taking into account the demands of the BRICS multipolar world”
Participants of the VI International Congress ‘Industrial Ecology of Regions’ summarise:
1. The need to form a multipolar world dictated 16 years ago and the BRICS interstate union was formed, which has grown stronger during this time, the number of valid participating countries has increased significantly and this trend, especially in the last 2 years, is increasing its pace.
Cooperation within the framework of BRICS lies not only in the hands of politicians, it also belongs to children, since it is to them that we will transfer everything that we have done in this direction.
We must focus our attention on the future of BRICS, educating the children of the member countries so that they can hold our Earth, business, knowledge, cultural values, projects, etc. in their hands.
For this purpose, special attention should be paid to the education of children and build their critical thinking, develop skills for a successful life, leadership qualities, and hard work skills.
Special attention should be paid to the spiritual qualities of the younger generation in order to shape the future with universal traditional demands.
It is also necessary to closely consider the issues of eliminating hunger and poverty for all mankind, both for children and adults, realizing that this is the material basis for the fulfillment of our missions, plans and tasks .
To this end, we propose:
- to propose an initiative to create a BRICS food cluster;
- agroparks, promotion of the "Green Project" and new initiatives in this direction;
- to form proposals for the creation of modern logistics systems, without which it is impossible to fulfill the above tasks.
2.The current information field has a huge influence on the formation of humanity's values, and it is information that is the most expensive resource nowadays.
But only reliable information will successfully influence the interaction between the BRICS member countries and the expert community.
Analysing the credibility of information sources, we can note the abundance of unverified, and often clearly untrue content offered for viewing.
Over the past four years, user demand for reliable information has grown worldwide.
We suggest:
- To promote initiatives in the field of information co-operation on the sidelines of the BRICS SAMMIT and such international platforms as URALROSPROMEKO - IEP URAL and the BRICS International Forum;
- To hold specialised expert events on the formation of a modern reliable information field for the purpose of full information exchange between BRICS member countries, expert, professional and scientific communities in order to achieve technological and food sovereignty and form a multipolar world;
- To hold joint events with the BRICS International Forum and the International Expert Platform URALROSPROMEKO, aimed at the role of the media in shaping the values of the younger generation and the importance of delivering reliable information, as well as levelling risks in the interaction of children and adolescents with the media space.
3. In the context of the rapid development of science, including artificial intelligence, the need to maximise the involvement of the expert, scientific and professional community in the elaboration of certain strategies for the development of the modern world becomes obvious. This applies to all sectors of the economy, areas of humanity, politics, science, etc. of the BRICS member countries.
The role of an expert in the modern world can be defined as follows: studying the past, analysing the present and working out development strategies for the future.
Especially the involvement of experts is required in the development of the industrial sector of the BRICS countries' economies, as it affects the correctness of the chosen technologies and the balance between the economy and environmental safety of the territories.
A special place in this issue is occupied by an effective urban planning policy, which determines in the future the ecological status of regions and the economic efficiency of enterprises, from agricultural to metallurgical and other environmentally hazardous industries.
In this regard, we propose:
- To expand and develop the expert scientific, professional and business community within the framework of cooperation between BRICS member countries in order to share experience, discuss topical issues and form joint strategies in all areas of interest;
- Facilitate the expansion of co-operation between the leading institutions of BRICS countries in order to develop a food doctrine for BRICS countries based on their own experience before the introduction of Western technologies in agriculture ;
- Taking into account the need for reliable information, including for the expert, scientific, professional and business community, to intensify the promotion of content created by the International Expert Platform URALROSPROMEKO and the BRICS International Forum with the aim of sharing experience and generating interest in science among the younger generation in order to create young specialists in expert and scientific activities.
The following took part in the preparation of this section of the final document:
President of BRICS International Forum Purnima Anand (India),
President of ANO URALROSPROMECO - IEP URAL Yuliya Korneeva (Russia),
Professor of the Russian State Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, chief specialist of RosAgrochemistry, Gr.Dr. Shirokov Yu.A.
As a result of the discussion of the problems of food security of the BRICS countries, the main systemic problems that can be successfully solved through joint coordinated efforts have been identified.
- Overview of food security issues in BRICS countries
The BRICS countries face a complex of problems in the entire food supply system. These are the problems of production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of food, the shortage of which leads to malnutrition, famine, and epidemics.
The critical problem of food security in the BRICS countries is the economic accessibility of food. The expansion of the BRICS in 2024 marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of the association and provided additional opportunities to strengthen cooperation in the agricultural sector and solve food security problems in the full understanding that food is the key to the health of the nation, saving people and solving demographic problems. BRICS has all the prerequisites for this.
The BRICS countries, due to their geographical location, climatic conditions and diversity of agricultural production, are key participants in the global food market. The BRICS countries have significant weight in the global food system: the BRICS countries account for about a third of global agricultural production.
Brazil, Russia, India, and China are the largest agricultural producers with significant resources, diverse soil types, and climate. Together, they provide more than 40% of the world's production of grain, meat, vegetables and fruits. They are also the most important exporters of agricultural products.
China, India and Russia produce 52% of the world's mineral fertilizers This requires overcoming systemic challenges and obstacles to food security in the BRICS countries. And avoid national selfishness.
The adopted BRICS Food Program to eliminate hunger, ensure food security and improve nutrition provides for the solution of primary tasks, primarily ensuring the economic accessibility of food for all segments of the population.
But on the way to solving this problem, the food and agricultural sectors of the BRICS countries face challenges and obstacles, including climatic and agroecological threats, limited natural resources (soil fertility, mineral nutrition products of plants and animals, energy carriers), limited breeding and reproduction of seeds of high reproductions adapted to changing soil conditions. - climatic conditions (droughts, waterlogging, recurrent frosts, salinity), demographic shifts and productivity of agricultural labor, a shortage of adequate nutrition, especially for children, and the like.
As a result of the discussion, the conference participants came to the following conclusion.
To overcome the challenges and problems of food security of the BRICS member countries, it is necessary:
- formation of a Roadmap defining urgent and promising measures to eliminate key systemic challenges: climate change, soil degradation and salinization, shortage of high-reproduction seed material, insufficient and not timely provision of mineral fertilizers and plant and animal protection products, feed additives that stimulate metabolic processes in animal organisms, low labor productivity.
Priority directions of the roadmap:
The first is to increase yields by providing agricultural producers with a sufficient amount of available mineral fertilizers and animal feed additives, creating a market for mineral fertilizers and plant and animal protection products, and logistics systems.
The second is coordination and exchange of experience in modern methods of breeding and seed production of major crops in the BRICS countries in the area of drought tolerance, resistance to overwatering, salt tolerance and others. Facilitating the establishment of national and inter-national centres of marker-assisted breeding and seed production for the purpose of accelerated provision of agricultural producers with seeds of high reproductions resistant to changes in soil and climatic conditions of each region.
The third is the coordination and exchange of experience in the production and application of modern non-chemical methods and means of protecting plants and animals, increasing their immunity and stimulating metabolic processes in their organisms. The fourth is the generalization and dissemination of the experience of precision farming, which ensures an increase in yields with rational norms for the use of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products.
The Fourth - generalisation and dissemination of experience in precision farming, which ensures yield growth at rational rates of application of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products.
The fifth is the organization of a system for the exchange of best practices and the creation of joint comprehensive research interstate projects and groups to solve systemic problems or adapt the achievements of some countries to the conditions of other BRICS participants.
The development of systematic agricultural research, the generalization of the best achievements of science and practice and the implementation of their results in practice. This should be facilitated by coordination and mutual assistance in improving the level of agricultural education of farmers, which will provide an opportunity to significantly increase the efficiency of agriculture and the economy through more competent management of agricultural business and acceleration of the introduction of agricultural technologies.
Expanding the financial capabilities of the scientific foundations of the BRICS countries for targeted scientific support programs for specific unresolved problems; it is possible to create an appropriate BRICS fund for scientific and technological solutions to common and local problems; developing cooperation through pilot projects with the participation of entrepreneurs from the BRICS countries;
The sixth is to create a food security management system for the BRICS countries based on an artificial intelligence platform capable of receiving information and analyzing a variety of emerging problems and the situation in each country and offering solutions online (this is resource management, stocks, intervention in technology in case of climate change and emergencies, situations in food and raw materials markets, etc.). As part of this system, it is advisable:
-The Center for the formation and coordination of food resources (reserves) and logistics in cases of regional emergencies (droughts, floods, etc.).
-The Centre and unified digital databases of the best available agricultural technologies for solving common and local problems (salinisation, soil desalinisation, reduction of re-salinisation risks, soil remediation and creation of artificial soil, combating desertification, restoring the balance of essential microelements in the soil in a form accessible to plants, etc.); creation and mass application of technologies for the production of functional food products of plant and animal origin aimed at providing the population of the BRICS countries with a nutritious diet, minimising the risk of soil salinisation and reducing the risk of soil salinisation.
-A unified base of consultants with experience in solving systemic problems of agriculture in the BRICS countries and a system of financing their work to address the target problems arising in the BRICS countries.
The seventh step is to promote targeted business cooperation in the field of systemic food security issues through such channels as the BRICS Business Council, annual business forums, the Exchange Alliance and the Interbank Cooperation Forum; • expand interaction and exchange of information in the field of regulatory framework and intellectual property rights.
- Actual issues of food and nutrition security problems for the Russian Federation
Like all BRICS countries, Russia is facing a complex of problems in the entire food supply system. These are the problems of food production, distribution, exchange, and consumption.
The first - There is no hunger in Russia. It is time to review approaches to food production at the next level of food security the availability of safe and nutritious food to meet the dietary needs and dietary preferences of the population to lead an active and healthy life .
The critical problem of food security in the Russian Federation today is the quality of food. Food should not only be in sufficient quantities, not only harmless, but also provide all the necessary nutrients for the birth of healthy children, ensuring a high quality of life and healthy longevity. This is not happening.
The deficiency of key microelements in the soil in the form available to plants, coupled with their intensive irretrievable removal with the harvest in almost all regions of Russia leads to their deficiency in food. This is overlaid by a decrease in the volume of food consumed due to a decrease in the severity and intensity of labour. As a result, an increase in pathologies (oncological, cardiovascular, congenital, etc.). The health of the nation, national conservation, and the solution of the demographic problem should begin not with medical institutions, but with agriculture.
The second - problem is low yields, primarily due to the low economic availability of mineral fertilizers (slightly more than 20% of fertilizers produced in the country are used), and the shortage of zoned seeds of high reproductions adapted to changing soil and climatic conditions (droughts, waterlogging, recurrent frosts, salinity). The problem of providing farmers with zoned seeds of high reproductions is both an increase in yield and product quality, and a more rational use of soil fertility and mineral fertilizers.
The third - The economic unavailability of food for many segments of the population. The cost of food production and storage, even with the current yield, is less than 20-25% in the retail price structure. The cost of transferring agricultural products and fish from the producer to the consumer is very high. This is especially true for fish and seafood, green crops and fruits, increasing the availability of which could smooth out the deficiency of key trace elements for humans.
The fourth - The barbaric attitude of investors to the soil, who want to squeeze the momentary maximum profit out of soil fertility, violating the scientifically based crop rotation system. Sunflower, sugar beet occupy up to 70% in the structure of crops, which leads to intensive irrevocable removal of nutrients (essential trace elements) from significant areas of the most fertile soils that do not fall to humans (they are not in oil or sugar), but remain in production waste, which previously returned to the soil by other organisms animals in the form of organic fertilizers.
The fifth - A high proportion of unused land is unacceptable, the return of which could give a significant additional volume of agricultural production for export, primarily to the BRICS countries.
The sixth - Insufficient volume of deep processing of grain: instead of exporting it, it is more expedient to export, for example, flour and pasta, processed chicken meat (canned food, semi-finished products), egg powder, which would increase added value and create tens of thousands of new jobs.
The seventh - The low level of cattle breeding development, which still does not allow for sufficient production of beef and milk. There is little work on animal breeding in the direction of not only productivity and product quality, but also productive longevity, which is the key to restoring cattle and increasing business profitability.
At the same time, Russia's agricultural production also faces systemic challenges and obstacles that are relevant for other BRICS countries, including climatic and agroecological threats, limited natural resources (growing loss of soil fertility due to their degradation due to an irrational farming system, demographic shifts (shortage of workers (primarily machine operators and highly qualified specialists (agronomists, zootechnicians) and productivity of agricultural labor, insufficient use of biological methods to stimulate metabolic processes in plant and animal organisms that increasing their resistance, use of soil nutrients, mineral fertilisers and fodder, etc.
As a result of the discussion, the Congress participants came to the following conclusions. In order to overcome the challenges and problems of food security in Russia, it is advisable to supplement the national programme documents of agricultural development until 2030 with urgent and prospective measures to address key systemic challenges.
Priority areas:
Increasing crop yields through sustainable provision of agricultural producers with sufficient quantities of economically available mineral fertilisers, zoned seeds and animal feed additives according to agrotechnical norms. Assistance in the creation of marker breeding and seed production centers in order to accelerate the provision of agricultural producers with seeds of high reproductions resistant to changing soil and climatic conditions and problems of each region.
Conducting in-depth biogeochemical studies of soil for the content of forms of essential trace elements available to plants and creating an AI system for the formation of regional agricultural systems with operational consideration (online) of changing soil and climatic conditions. This is due to the wide spread of nutritional diseases of the population associated with deficiency or excess of a number of micronutrients, or with violation of their ratio in the food chain.
Creation of a bank of "The best available technologies and crop rotations" for each main variant of the country's soil and climatic conditions. (it is important here to include crops with deep root penetration in crop rotations. Which can work as an "elevator" for lifting mobile forms of trace elements into soil horizons (alfalfa, hemp, etc.).
The use of technologies and crop rotations from this database should become a prerequisite for economic stimulation of agricultural business (subsidies, leasing, preferential lending, etc.). This should facilitate and increase the efficiency of the work of agronomic services of agricultural organizations.
Necessary to develop normative legal acts regulating the return of abandoned lands, the norm for the use and restoration of soil fertility as a vital resource of the country (for example, when deforestation there is a norm for mandatory restoration by persons engaged in logging of forest plantations - Order No. 102 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2021). This will allow an economic and legal mechanism to force land owners to begin a consistent return of abandoned lands (new development of virgin lands), restore soil fertility and stop the barbaric attitude to the soil.
The following took part in the preparation of this section of the final document:
BRICS International Forum (India),
- Actual issues of food and nutritional safety of children.
Balanced nutrition, one of the main components of health at any age, is of particular importance in children. The younger the child, the more significant is the influence of nutrition on his or her current and subsequent development and health. The first 1000 days of life are a critical period when nutrition and other external factors having epigenetic influence determine the ways of implementation of the genetic programme and program the future health.
In this age period, the principles of rational nutrition are often violated. First of all, children after reaching 1 year of life, as a rule, are quickly transferred to an adult ‘family’ table. This does not correspond to the capabilities of their digestive system and often leads to excessive intake of basic nutrients or micronutrient deficiency and, as a consequence, disorders of nutritional, neuropsychiatric and immune status of children, development of alimentary dependent conditions, dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. All this can have not only immediate but also long-term negative consequences, lead to impaired physical development and reduced intellectual potential, which, of course, adversely affects the health of the nation.
The prevalence of alimentary-related diseases both in the whole population of the BRICS countries and among children remains high, which cannot but worry child health specialists. In particular, according to various data, iron deficiency anaemia is registered in almost 40% of young children. Insufficient intake of many other nutrients has been established: calcium, vitamin D, zinc, iodine, polyunsaturated fatty acids and others. At the same time, the number of overweight and obese children is rapidly increasing.
Epidemiological surveillance studies in a number of BRICS countries have shown that the diets of a large number of children are unbalanced, with insufficient amounts of valuable food products such as meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and specialised children's products. At the same time, there is a high consumption of sweet dishes and ‘non-children's’ products - pizza, dumplings, sausages, sauces, chips and sweet carbonated drinks. These eating disorders have an adverse effect on metabolism, digestive health, and lead to under/overconsumption of a number of ingredients.
Therefore, unbalanced nutrition, excessive in calories and deficient in micronutrients, is a serious problem that requires a large-scale, governmental approach by the BRICS community.
In order to eliminate these shortcomings, it is necessary to develop a special BRICS Program and consolidated medical tactics with regard to infant nutrition and to make this problem a priority for pediatrics and pediatric nutritionology in the BRICS member countries.
The aim of such a Program could be to optimise the nutrition of children, especially those aged 1 to 3 years, as an important factor in improving the health of the child population of the BRICS member countries and shaping the health of their nations.
The proposed objectives of the program:
First, to study the nature and characteristics of nutrition of children aged 1 to 3 years old living in various BRICS countries .
The second is to determine the level of knowledge of doctors and parents in the field of rational nutrition of children.
The third is to evaluate in this age category:
- the frequency of occurrence of deficiency or excess consumption of macro - and micronutrients;
- mass-growth indicators of children and their compliance with regulatory values.
The fourth is to analyze and systematize the identified deviations in the indicators of physical development of children .
The fifth, to identify the main factors underlying the identified violations.
The sixth, to develop scientifically based approaches to the organization of nutrition for children of this age group in order to correct the identified violations.
The seventh is to form practical recommendations on the rational nutrition of children aged 1 to 3 years .
The eighth, to develop training programs and improve knowledge on nutrition for children from 1 to 3 years old for students of higher educational institutions, pediatricians, health care organizers, teachers, psychologists, nurses.
The ninth, to improve the existing regulatory and methodological documents on the organization of nutrition for children aged 1 to 3 years.
The tenth, to actualize in the public consciousness (doctors and family members) the importance of a rational diet for children from 1 to 3 years old.
Expected results of the program:
- Optimization of nutrition for children aged 1 to 3 years of life by improving its organization and structure, including increasing the share of specialized children's products of industrial production, improving nutrition culture;
- Reducing the prevalence of alimentary-dependent diseases in childhood, including by reducing the number of overweight children and reduced provision of micro- and macro-nutrients, as well as chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
- Making changes to the training programs of medical universities and postgraduate education on nutrition for young children based on scientifically based recommendations;
-Improving the knowledge of pediatricians, teachers, parents and other family members on nutrition for children from 1 to 3 years old due to the widespread implementation of this program in the practical healthcare of the BRICS countries; - Development and implementation of nutrition algorithms for young children in the daily practice of doctors of the BRICS member countries.
• Protection of children's rights, including the right to health (conclusions and suggestions).
The first is in order to realize the right of children to health, full development and nutrition, and to preserve the health of the population as a whole - to take measures to improve the relevant legislation, norms and requirements for children's nutrition, promote the principles of a healthy lifestyle in the minds of parents and children, strengthen cooperation with the expert, professional, scientific community in the development of legislative norms on childhood, expand interaction and exchange of information in the field of the regulatory framework in the interests of children, families with children, at the same time, paying special attention to: families in difficult life situations, addressing issues of demography and people saving, including:
- providing a child with milk nutrition for the first three years of life;
-the decline in the popularity of fast food consumption among children and parents, the development and implementation of regulations that will oblige manufacturers to indicate the detailed composition of product components on the packaging, even when sold at food outlets. In addition, it is necessary to supply food products that are dangerous to health (all types) with inscriptions and pictures stating that the use of these products is dangerous for the health of children and adults;
-improving the culture of nutrition and eating behavior of minors;
-introduction of regular classes on the topic of "Healthy nutrition and lifestyle" in educational organizations, on a systematic basis of additional education;
-the introduction of a ban on the sale of highly carbonated non-alcoholic sugar-containing beverages to children under 18 years of age;
-maintaining a ban on the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to persons under the age of 18,
-the introduction of regular prevention of diseases caused by gluten intolerance, increasing the effectiveness of identifying the true incidence of celiac disease and nutrition of this category of children.
Second, taking into account that the BRICS countries and partners have a rich culture of developing traditional sports, support each other in their promotion, coordinate efforts in the development of public health and sports culture, mutually exchange experience and introduce advanced health promotion technologies,
The third is to develop youth exchanges between the BRICS member countries, including in the areas of promoting a healthy lifestyle, mass sports, and social activities in the above-mentioned areas.
Following the results of the VI International Congress "Industrial Ecology of the Regions", the following decisions were made:
1. Taking into account the signed Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation, to form a plan for effective interaction between ANO URALROSPROMEKO and the BRICS International Forum for informal communication between the scientific, expert and business communities of the BRICS member countries .
2. To cooperate ANO URALROSPROMECO with the BRICS International Forum in the direction of formation of the Food Cluster and agro-parks of the BRICS member countries to solve the issues of food security.
3. To promote the development of international projects with the participation of BRICS countries in the field of development and production of children's nutrition.
4. To pay special attention to a competent and balanced information policy and to work only with sources of reliable information.
5. Taking into account the increase in international contacts, to form within the framework of the International Expert Platform URALROSPROMEKO ‘Platform
“Development of a multipolar world based on cooperation of experts from BRICS countries”.
6. To inform the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Nature Management about the event. Specialised Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Office of the President of Russia, as well as Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of Russia in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation.
7. To develop a work plan of the International Expert Platform URALROSPROMECO until 31 January 2025.